First dental visit by first birthday...
First Dental Visit by the First Birthday ?
First Teeth. First Dental Visit. First Birthday?
Tooth Bunny Blog Post by Dr Annetta Tsang, Paediatric Dentist.
When should we take our little ones for their first dental visit? Why?
Who should we take them to? Where can we go for the first dental visit?
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Wobbly baby teeth, especially the first wobbly tooth, is a big deal to most children. Make a Toothy's Tooth Pouch together with your child, in preparation for this celebration-worthy occasion. Use the pouch to store the "wobbled out" tooth for safe keeping or use the pouch for the all exciting Tooth Fairy event.
Does Baby's Mouth Need To Be Cleaned ?
Tooth Bunny Blog Post by Dr Annetta Tsang
What is the best for baby and why?
Baby is so little. The baby mouth is so small. Baby doesn't have any teeth. Baby is not eating solids yet. Wouldn't it hurt baby to clean the tiny mouth?
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